Saturday, April 11, 2020

It's Good to Be Back

Floor sticker at the local Harris Teeter.
As the world slows during this quarantine, offering us all an opportunity to thoughtfully consider  what matters and what we love, my heart felt a tug to revisit my blog. 

I stopped posting almost exactly 7 years ago. I had my blog posts printed into book format afterwards and glancing through it brings me a lot of joy. My husband has the blog bookmarked on his browser and says he loves looking at old posts. The world of social media has exploded in the last few years and lots has happened in our family since, graduations, moves, job changes, trips, etc. and, with each  experience, memories made. I am delving back into my blog because a once-in-a-hundred-year pandemic seems like the perfect time to personally reflect on where we've been, where we are (I will probably revisit some old posts and provide updates), and where we're going, and also to record in real time how our family is doing during this historic moment. 

It's good to be back.

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