Thursday, January 3, 2013

DMV Dread

I spent this morning here.  To say that I'd been dreading it would be an understatement.  Honestly, a root canal or watching Ghostbusters II seem like less painful ways to spend some time. But my youngest needed, okay, wanted, to get his learner's permit (belatedly, he likes to remind me).  So, bright and early, before it even opened, we drove to the Department of Motor Vehicles to wait in line. I was convinced it would be hours standing in line with our  file folder FULL of documents. (Texas surely has one of the toughest thresholds for proving residency and obtaining a driver's license. This had been my own experience when we moved here, anyway). Perhaps it was the unseasonalbly cold weather, or the fact that some are just finishing their holiday celebrations or that it's only the 3rd of the month and procrastinators will wait to the end of January, but the line was short and the DMV workers in great spirits and very helpful. From arrival to departure (learner's in hand) only took about 45 minutes.  

Now, I have a six-month interlude before he can obtain his driver's license so I plan to enjoy every worry-free moment.  

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