Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco de Mayo

I've always loved Cinco De Mayo though, in truth, for a long time I thought today commemorated Mexican Independence Day (the equivalent of the American 4th of July) but that's apparently in September.  

Actually, Cinco de Mayo commemorates Mexico's unlikely victory over the French Army at the Battle of Puebla in 1862.  (Something I don't remember ever learning in my 4 years of high school Spanish). 

Here is a photo of me and a few friends in college celebrating Cinco de Mayo at Chi Chi's (remember those?)  because college is an excuse to celebrate everything, right?


1) My husband 's middle name is Carlos  (though he is zero percent Latino). 
2) My husband does not speak Spanish.  
3) My husband loves Mexican food. 
4) My two favorite words in Spanish are "bicicleta" (bicycle) and "paraguas"  (umbrella, which literally translates into "for water") 
5) the extent of my celebration today may be the drive thru at Taco Bell
6) there is nothing wrong with Taco Bell

However you celebrate, and I hope you will, Feliz Cinco de Mayo!  

1 comment:

  1. Another cute and informative post. Independence from France? Chi Chi's? Wow!
